Refueling in Francistown (Botswana) on the way up to the DRC.
A Mobil ripoff in Zambia.... Naaah!
Kolwesi open cast mining pit. At one stage the largest in the world.
Two giangantic powerline towers, 470 feet high.
A small electric furnace refining copper ore.
A new copper smelter build by a Chinese company.
Likasi Mall
Cobalt enrichment plant in Kambove. I changed one of hangars into the helicopter shelter.
Minerals are easy to find... Look for a hill with no trees. The soil is so mineralised that nothing grows.
A palace for Laurent Kabila in Lubumbashi. Never finished.... White elephant anyone?
Close up. Supposedly it goes several stories underground.
A couple Ka-26s.
I was cleaning the windshield when I heard a loud explosion... My heart stopped...
... a square drum! The result of not opening the air vent hole and very energetic pumping.
Be afraid Colonel Sanders... "Katanga Fried Chicken" is coming...
A turbing Islander doing a geo survey.
A B3 dragging a very heavy (+500 kg) bird from Aeroquest.
MI-26. BIG!
And another one. My B3 in the back looks like a toy.
Boy, oh boy... the Russians build seriously big machines! This Ilushin brough in ballot boxes and papers for the election in 2006.
Rain season started
No pot of gold here... just copper.
Lafoi Falls in the Kundelungu Nature Reserve, with a 384m drop it is the highest waterfall in Africa and number 169 worldwide.
I'm helping out with a survey using a BA and a Heli-MAG bird from Heliquest.
View from the top.
Business end of my long line. Getting ready to pull a couple pumps out of the forest.
650 kg of pump safely loaded.
A hungarian prince build himself this "castle" for his Congo farm.
This is just plain weird... (Ndola airport)
My exotic Xmas tree.
A G1 lost the pin holding the steering in place... ouch.
Friends in low places. Menda concession.
Shituru, Gecamine's factory in Likasi.... The smoke comes from the old sulfuric acid plant, and is ACID...
A Mormon church... again... Weird!
Likasi airport. Abandonned in 1991. The 337 hosts a colony of bees now...
A sink hole appeard overnight after a heavy rain storm, this is the view from my bedroom... Not very far away.
My new toy.
A very rare sight in the DRC, live Sable antilopes, actualy live anything...
I know I am overweight... but this is ridiculous!
The end result of all this digging and processing. 98% pure copper sheets.
Always pre-flight... The machine stood for a couple of weeks... and a fellow aviator decided to build a nest in it.